Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Next New Thing

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Privacy And Confidentiality

         Is Facebook to blame for your face on a soda can in China? Recently Facebook became a public

entity.That basically means that the pics and content that you share is public domain.Some may be

unaware of this but I did my research and its completely true.
       Privacy is no longer private and Confidentiality is no longer confident.New media can  blamed for this

because of its ties with social networking.Because we as a society share everything on social

networking sites like Facebook,instagram and twitter we have lost our sense of privacy.As a society we

have found a sense of entitlement to share our day to day with our social network friends,
Previously before a computer's technology was developed to include social networking media was

limited to print and radio.In print people would use classify ads to communicate a need for employment

and other stuff like rental inquires.But with the upgrading of media comes the upgrade of the way

society communicates.With that being said new media brought about social networking which caused

us as a society to lose its privy and confidentiality.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

P2P File Sharing

            P2P file sharing can be is defined as peer to peer sharing.It is use on social media such as

Facebook,twitter and instagram.Some including myself find very convienant and very interactive.Its 

gives me a platform to connect with my peers.Regularly documents were the big rave of the filing

word.But due to technology and its advances social media wbites have taken full advantage of P2P file

 sharing.Its gives its users the option of sharing their photos immediately after they are taken  File

sharing can be described as distribributing or providing access to digitally stored information.Digitally

stored information can be defined as a typed research paper,a picture or a recorded piece of

material.Once you have stored the file you can also transfer the file.P2P file sharing is  used a lot for

Facebook and other social media sites but people have also used it for students who have online classes

and have to send assignments to professors.

     File sharing over the years has been oven a bad name also.Artiste and record labels alike are not fans of

file sharing because it gives people a chance to illegal share their music and movies.It has affected their

industry the most because it takes away from their profit.Why would a consumer pay $11.99 for a cd

when they can download the same album for free.Most consumers pick downloading the album for free

and therefor the artiste and their record label loose the sale.Illegal downloads count for almost 40% of

lost revenue for the film and music industry.
 P2P file sharing will forever be around and most likely will only get bigger and better.The people that

stand to loose the most like the music and film industry need to invent a better way to protect their

music from piracy and illegal sharing.

Modeling Reality after Virtual Worlds

My first experience with vital worlds came when I was a teenager and gifted with a video game called

Sims.As a teenager I would rarely use computers but when I got that game that changed.For those

unfamiliar with The Sims video game,its a game that basically lets the gamer create their own virtual

reality.In the game you can create your very own family followed by building your dream home you 

can even rise to the top at your dream job I was completely obsessed with it.Instead of gon outside I

would stay glued to my computer all day.Instead of talking  with my family I would rather spend time

with my vital family.Eventually I got bored of it and left it alone.But what if I never did.There was a

string possibility that I would become addicted to living in this virtual world.
In this time of technology there are so many people that have addicts to technological stuff.Virtaul

world is at the top of the list as gamers have become so obsessed that some of them have isolated

themselves from the actual world.Virtual worlds definitely has it'd pros and cons.
  Pros and Cons of virtual reality Some can make the argument that virtual reality is more interactive

than reality because people are more open to being themselves because they are hiding behind their

computers.Communication is more effective and productive which can be seen as more

enjoyable.However some can make the argument that virtual worlds can make somebody fell insecure

and unwanted if they are rejected online.Virtual worlds have been blamed for online bullying and suicide.
 Reality can never really be modeled after virtual reality just because in a virtual world people always

exaggerate their lives and situation.They use virtual worlds to make their lives seem better than what

escape.Reality is just not for them.
    We can however use the creativity that it forms to improve our reality,to stream our creativity.We

may be able to learn how to be more approachable and more warm to people.As a whole we as a

society can also use virtual reality infrastructure to make our actual buildings and highwaysSo in that

sense I can see hoe we can model reality after virtual reality.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Social Networking Sites

     Social Media has introduced society to the art of social networking.With the creation of sites like Facebook,Myspace and Twitter we are all given a way to stay connected via the internet.Some may say that their all the same but I strongly disagree.In my opinion each social network can be described as a bigger and better version of the one before.Myspace was one of the first sites to really be successful as social networking site.As a member of myspace I enjoyed it's features but I felt like it was missing some  more fetters like being friends with people you actually knew.To solve that problem Facebook was created.Facebook could be described in the early days as re connecting with your high school year book or even getting in touch with your long lost relatives. Facebook made people actually sign up as a solution to finding people they haven't spoke to or seen years.Twitter then became big but used a different marketing tool to its success.It challenged people to express themselves in 140 characters or less. Some praised twitter for this because it challenged people to be creative with their "tweets". Compare,all our favorite social networks we can but why should we when we can enjoy each of them for their very own individuality.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What Is New Media? Description of New Media

                                       What Is New Media?

                 Media can be described as a source of communication.Radio,television and the newspaper can all be classified as different types of media.In today's world media is ever changing.Media is ever changing because it goes hand in hand with technology in my opinion.With that being stated new media can also be defined and measured by the newest and most popular technology.Technology is defined as the usage and knowledge of tools,machines and techniques in order to solve or improve a problem or perform a specific function.Examples of new technology are laptops,cell phones,gps system,iPads and the list goes on.Companies are trying to make information more accessible, they are making their products very light weight and easy to carry.New media is still a reflection of old media yet more advanced.For example radio,television and newspapers are all still a part of media in today's world.The only difference is that they're all online.Which now introduces the internet and its role in new media.Without internet where would media be?Most likely back in the old media days.Internet makes all the difference because its needed to access all the features on most technical devices.In my opinion new media is not replacing old media,its enhancing it.It is making the forms of media which we are all accustom too more reliable,flexible and more available for us.In "The End Of Books" I read some good quotes and opinions by the writer but I don't agree that books has come to an end,its just simply evolving.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project Description

                              SOCIAL NETWORKING

   A  Purposeful Loss of Privacy 

For my project I will be researching social media.The good the bad and also explore the idea of privacy not being so private anymore.Since the rise of social media the ways of finding out information on people have become that of a kid in kindergarden.Yes its that easy.All you do is type that person's name into any search engine e.g. goggle,bing etc.Social networking is defined as "a strutter made up of individuals and the dyadic ties between these individuals".These same individuals expose their lives, their joys and their pains.Can it be said that we do it to ourselves?We have created this sense of lost privacy.